“Circe’s Garden“ is a series of 12 animated digital collages loosely based on the myth of Circe in the ancient epic poem “Odyssey” by Homer.
Circe is a sorceress living in a remote island, a secluded paradise. When Ulysses and his crew arrive there, she uses magic and turns them into pigs, to keep them in the island forever.
These digital artworks are symbolical. Circe represents Nature and the island is earth, a remote magical paradise in the universe.
Nature rules over all living creatures and disobeying her laws elicits strict punishment. The series also hints at the struggle between male and female existence. Circe, a sorceress does not follow the rules imposed by society on women, therefore she is a symbol of the power of femininity and sexuality.
Circe's Gardenanimated digital collage | Circe's GardenAnimated digital collage |
Circe's GardenAnimated digital collage | Circe's GardenAnimated digital collage |
Circe's GardenAnimated digital collage | Circe's GardenAnimated digital collage |
“Circe’s Garden“Animated digital collage | Circe's GardenAnimated digital collage |
Circe's GardenAnimated digital collage | Circe's GardenAnimated digital collage |
Circe's GardenAnimated digital collage | Circe's GardenAnimated digital collage |